
The picture is about contrasts. I used black and white colors: black patterns and a white background. The essence is saturation and emptiness. I used simple geometric forms to depict vegetal motifs. This is a landscape or a life picture. The central theme is bad circumstances and the ability to accommodate them. This ability to accommodate protects life. Meteorological adversities can cause damage to plants, but my plants are elastic. The stems of the plants are flexible and strong, so the wind cannot cause them trouble. The plants only grew leaves on one side because there was only enough space there. They must accommodate. The time is an interesting question, because we cannot be sure exactly what we see. It is the beginning or the end of a storm. We can feel insecurity and tenseness. I am an optimist, so I think my plants will survive. Nature follows its own rules.

Dorina Juhász
International open call artist / Hungary | Szentlőrinc
After graduating from the High School of Arts of Pécs, I studied painting at the Faculty of Arts, University of Pécs in 2011. I have always been interested in the world of graphics. I made digital drawings and invitations when I was a child. My first encounter with graphics design was at university, where I designed wine labels and logos. In 2012, I participated for the first time in a group electrographic exhibition organized by the Hungarian Electrographic Art Association titled Sticker – Small Sized International Exhibition. I was accepted as a member of the HEAA in 2019. My latest group exhibition was Neumann 120, held at the Kepes Institute in Eger, Hungary in 2023.
Dorina Juhász
International open call artist / Hungary | Szentlőrinc
After graduating from the High School of Arts of Pécs, I studied painting at the Faculty of Arts, University of Pécs in 2011. I have always been interested in the world of graphics. I made digital drawings and invitations when I was a child. My first encounter with graphics design was at university, where I designed wine labels and logos. In 2012, I participated for the first time in a group electrographic exhibition organized by the Hungarian Electrographic Art Association titled Sticker – Small Sized International Exhibition. I was accepted as a member of the HEAA in 2019. My latest group exhibition was Neumann 120, held at the Kepes Institute in Eger, Hungary in 2023.
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